


关系型数据库介绍 (Introduction to Relational Databases)

  • 中文介绍:关系型数据库是一种使用关系模型来组织和管理数据的数据库。它使用表(关系)来表示实体和实体之间的关系,并通过SQL语言进行数据操作和查询。
  • 英文介绍:A relational database is a database that uses the relational model to organize and manage data. It represents entities and relationships between entities using tables (relations) and performs data operations and queries using the SQL language.

SQL语句 (SQL Statements)

  • 中文介绍:SQL(结构化查询语言)是一种用于管理关系型数据库的标准化语言。SQL语句用于创建、修改和查询数据库中的表、记录和关系。
  • 英文介绍:SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized language used for managing relational databases. SQL statements are used to create, modify, and query tables, records, and relationships in a database.

数据类型 (Data Types)

  • 中文介绍:数据类型定义了数据库中存储数据的种类和格式。常见的数据类型包括整数、浮点数、字符串、日期、布尔值等。
  • 英文介绍:Data types define the kind and format of data stored in a database. Common data types include integers, floating-point numbers, strings, dates, booleans, and more.

函数 (Functions)

  • 中文介绍:函数是数据库提供的预定义操作,用于处理数据并返回结果。函数可以用于计算、转换数据,执行数学运算,字符串操作等。
  • 英文介绍:Functions are predefined operations provided by a database to manipulate data and return results. Functions can be used for calculations, data transformations, mathematical operations, string operations, and more.

存储过程 (Stored Procedures)

  • 中文介绍:存储过程是一组预定义的SQL语句集合,可以在数据库中创建和保存。存储过程可以接受参数、执行复杂的逻辑和流程控制,并返回结果。
  • 英文介绍:A stored procedure is a collection of predefined SQL statements that can be created and saved in a database. Stored procedures can accept parameters, perform complex logic and flow control, and return results.

触发器 (Triggers)

  • 中文介绍:触发器是与数据库表相关联的特殊类型的存储过程。它们在表上的插入、更新或删除操作发生时自动触发,并执行定义好的操作。
  • 英文介绍:Triggers are special types of stored procedures associated with database tables. They are automatically triggered when insert, update, or delete operations occur on the table and perform defined actions.

索引 (Indexes)

  • 中文介绍:索引是数据库中用于提高查询性能的数据结构。它们可以加快数据的检索速度,并减少查询时需要扫描的数据量。
  • 英文介绍:Indexes are data structures in a database used to improve query performance. They can speed up data retrieval and reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned during queries.

事务 (Transactions)

  • 中文介绍:事务是数据库操作的逻辑单元,它将一系列操作组合成一个不可分割的工作单元。事务具有原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性(ACID)的特性,以确保数据库的完整性和一致性。
  • 英文介绍:A transaction is a logical unit of database operations that combines a series of operations into an indivisible unit of work. Transactions have the properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) to ensure the integrity and consistency of the database.

存储引擎 (Storage Engines)

  • 中文介绍:存储引擎是数据库管理系统中负责数据存储和检索的组件。不同的存储引擎使用不同的数据存储和索引结构,以提供不同的性能和功能。
  • 英文介绍:The storage engine is a component in a database management system responsible for data storage and retrieval. Different storage engines use different data storage and indexing structures to provide varying performance and functionality.
贡献者: Neil