英文介绍:A relational database is a database that uses the relational model to organize and manage data. It represents entities and relationships between entities using tables (relations) and performs data operations and queries using the SQL language.
英文介绍:SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized language used for managing relational databases. SQL statements are used to create, modify, and query tables, records, and relationships in a database.
英文介绍:Data types define the kind and format of data stored in a database. Common data types include integers, floating-point numbers, strings, dates, booleans, and more.
英文介绍:Functions are predefined operations provided by a database to manipulate data and return results. Functions can be used for calculations, data transformations, mathematical operations, string operations, and more.
英文介绍:A stored procedure is a collection of predefined SQL statements that can be created and saved in a database. Stored procedures can accept parameters, perform complex logic and flow control, and return results.
英文介绍:Triggers are special types of stored procedures associated with database tables. They are automatically triggered when insert, update, or delete operations occur on the table and perform defined actions.
英文介绍:Indexes are data structures in a database used to improve query performance. They can speed up data retrieval and reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned during queries.
英文介绍:A transaction is a logical unit of database operations that combines a series of operations into an indivisible unit of work. Transactions have the properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) to ensure the integrity and consistency of the database.
英文介绍:The storage engine is a component in a database management system responsible for data storage and retrieval. Different storage engines use different data storage and indexing structures to provide varying performance and functionality.