英文介绍:The Simple Factory pattern creates different types of objects through a factory class without directly calling their constructors. It encapsulates the object creation logic in the factory class and returns the corresponding object instance based on different parameters. This pattern provides a simple way to create objects while encapsulating the instantiation details.
英文介绍:The Abstract Factory pattern provides a way to create a family of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. It achieves this by defining an abstract factory interface and a set of concrete factory implementations. This pattern helps ensure consistency and interoperability among a group of objects.
英文介绍:The Factory Method pattern solves the limitations of the Simple Factory pattern by deferring the object creation to subclasses. It defines an abstract method for creating objects, which is implemented by subclasses with specific object creation logic. This pattern allows introducing new types of objects without modifying existing code, improving code extensibility.
英文介绍:The Singleton pattern is used to ensure that a class has only one instance. It restricts the instantiation process of a class, allowing only one instance to be accessed throughout the program. This is useful in situations where a shared resource or a global access point is required.
英文介绍:The Builder pattern is used to create complex objects by separating the construction process from the object's representation. It guides the construction steps of an object to a director class, resulting in the creation of a complete object. This pattern simplifies the object construction process and provides better flexibility.
英文介绍:The Prototype pattern is used to create copies of objects to avoid repetitive creation of similar objects. It creates new objects by cloning existing objects instead of calling constructors. This pattern provides a convenient way to create objects while reducing the overhead of object creation.
英文介绍:The Adapter pattern converts the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect. It allows incompatible interfaces to work together by converting one interface into another using an adapter. This enables clients to interact with objects of different interfaces through a unified interface.
英文介绍:The Bridge pattern decouples the abstraction and implementation parts, allowing them to vary independently. By separating the abstraction and implementation parts, the Bridge pattern achieves better flexibility and extensibility. It connects the abstraction and implementation parts through composition rather than inheritance.
英文介绍:The Composite pattern combines objects into tree-like structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. It allows users to treat individual objects and composite objects uniformly, enabling operations on composite objects as if they were individual objects. The Composite pattern simplifies client code and makes adding new components more convenient.
英文介绍:The Decorator pattern extends the functionality of an object by dynamically attaching responsibilities to it. It provides a flexible way to enhance the behavior of an object without using subclasses. The Decorator pattern achieves this by wrapping objects in decorator classes and recursively stacking decorators, allowing for dynamic composition of objects.
英文介绍:The Facade pattern provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. It abstracts a complex subsystem into a simple interface, reducing the coupling between the client and the subsystem. The Facade pattern simplifies the interaction between the client and the subsystem, providing a convenient way to use a complex subsystem.
英文介绍:The Flyweight pattern divides an object's state into intrinsic state and extrinsic state. The intrinsic state can be shared, while the extrinsic state depends on the specific context and cannot be shared. The Flyweight pattern reduces the number of objects by sharing the intrinsic state, thereby reducing memory consumption and improving performance. It abstracts the shared part as a flyweight object, while the non-shareable part is passed to the flyweight object as extrinsic state, enabling object sharing and reusability.
英文介绍:The Proxy pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. The proxy object can provide additional functionality on top of the target object, such as remote access, lazy loading, etc. The Proxy pattern introduces a proxy object, enabling indirect access and control of the target object, enhancing system flexibility and security.
英文介绍:The Chain of Responsibility pattern decouples the sender of a request from its receivers, forming a chain of request handlers. Each handler has the opportunity to handle the request or pass it to the next handler in the chain. This allows for dynamic composition of handlers and routing the request to the appropriate handler based on its type. The Chain of Responsibility pattern reduces the coupling between senders and receivers, improving system flexibility and extensibility.
英文介绍:The Command pattern encapsulates a request as an object, decoupling the sender of the request from its receiver. By encapsulating the request as an object, it allows for parameterizing, queuing, undoing, and redoing of requests. The Command pattern provides greater flexibility and extensibility, enabling the construction of command execution systems with complex interactions.
英文介绍:The Interpreter pattern defines a representation for a language's grammar and interprets corresponding statements. It represents expressions in a language as a class hierarchy of interpreter objects and provides a way to interpret and execute these statements. The Interpreter pattern can be used to build custom domain-specific languages (DSLs) or implement complex syntax parsing and processing.
英文介绍:The Iterator pattern provides a unified way to access the elements of a collection object without exposing its internal representation. It encapsulates the traversal behavior of a collection and provides a set of uniform iteration interfaces for sequentially accessing the elements of the collection. The Iterator pattern separates the collection from the iteration algorithm, improving code maintainability and reusability.
英文介绍:The Mediator pattern defines a mediator object that encapsulates the interaction among a group of objects. It promotes loose coupling between objects by centralizing the communication between them, reducing direct dependencies between objects. The Mediator pattern reduces system complexity and improves maintainability and extensibility.
英文介绍:The Memento pattern is used to capture the internal state of an object and restore it to a previous state when needed. It provides a way to save and restore the state of an object without exposing its implementation details. The Memento pattern effectively supports undo and redo functionality, as well as implementing object history and rollback mechanisms.
英文介绍:The Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency relationship, where multiple observers are notified and updated automatically when the state of an object changes. The Observer pattern provides a loosely coupled way to design interactions between objects, allowing the dynamic establishment of relationships and increasing extensibility. It is commonly used in event-driven systems or scenarios that require real-time updates.
英文介绍:The State pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. It encapsulates various states of an object into separate classes and delegates the object's behavior to the current state object. By dynamically changing the state class of an object, it can achieve dynamic behavior changes without the need for extensive conditional statements. The State pattern improves code maintainability and extensibility.
英文介绍:The Strategy pattern defines a series of algorithms and encapsulates each algorithm into a separate strategy class. It allows clients to choose algorithms at runtime instead of fixedly using a particular algorithm at compile time. The Strategy pattern provides flexible algorithm substitution and extension while reducing the use of conditional statements.
英文介绍:The Template pattern defines the skeleton of an operation's algorithm and defers the implementation of certain steps to subclasses. It provides a structured way to write reusable algorithms while allowing subclasses to redefine certain steps of the algorithm without changing its structure. The Template pattern reduces code duplication and improves code maintainability and extensibility.
英文介绍:The Visitor pattern separates the operations on data structures from the data structures themselves, allowing the definition of new operations without modifying the data structures. It encapsulates operations into separate visitor classes that can visit different data structures. The Visitor pattern enables the addition of new operations without modifying existing data structures, improving code extensibility and flexibility.